Interactivity and Feedback

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A great way to find new interesting journeys or skills you want to learn is by working with the community. eDoer gives you the chance to share a Journey, Course, or Topic, that you may have found interesting, with your peers and them with you. 

To share a Journey, Course or Topic, simply go to its Homepage, tap the “Share” button on the upper right corner, and pick one of the options provided.

eDoer relies on its community of learners and creators to learn, grow, and become your right hand when it comes to personalized online education. To achieve this, your personal experiences and feedback are of the utmost importance. 


The chance to give your feedback as a user starts with the smallest building block of eDoer, which is topics. After fully learning a topic, you have a chance to rate the resources that were provided by the creators. This feedback not only shows the creators if the chosen resources are helpful but also optimizes the personalization of your profile and the suggestions the AI offers.

You can also Contact us by using the contact form provided to give us further feedback.


Although we are very careful with the content that is offered and created, your help is necessary to keep a safe learning environment that everyone can benefit from. In case you stumble upon a resource, topic, or other content that violates our Terms of Service, please report it by tapping on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen and clicking report.